How To Schedule Fingerprinting Appointment
Go to and click on “Schedule or Manage Appointments”
Enter your information on the following screen, including your legal name, and click “Next”
Enter the code CONCJ7458 for “CBI Account number” when prompted, press 'Search' will will populate Scoot Education, and then click “Next”
Continue to enter your personal information for the next 5 screens, moving forward by clicking “Next” **Note: You do NOT have an Authorization Code (Coupon Code) for payment.
Choose the government issued identification document that you will bring with you to your fingerprint appointment and click “Next”.
Enter your zipcode to find the closest IdentoGo location nearest you. Once you find the location nearest you, click “Next” to choose an appointment date and time or select “Walk In” (if available) and click “Submit”
Save the confirmation email for your records
Day of Your Fingerprint Appointment
Bring the government-issued identification you stated when you were signing up for the appointment
Be prepared to pay approximately $55 with either Business Check, Money Order, or Credit Card ($37.78 with 2.1% credit card service fee). Note*: Personal checks and cash are not accepted
At the conclusion of your appointment, the MorphoTrust enrollment agent will provide you with an IdentoGo receipt stating that you were fingerprinted. Note*: Do not throw away the receipt
You can check the status of your submission by clicking on this link:
Send your receipt to Scoot!
Scoot reimburses up to $55 for your fingerprinting, which is added to your first pay check the week after your first teaching assignment.
Upload your receipt so we can add this to your profile.